Phone: (403) 394-3909
e-mail: m.nazari@uleth.ca
Lab: EP 1209
Research Interests
As the most complex and still least-known living system, the brain, always makes me contemplate a deep question: how evolution could lead to such an amazing level of complexity? It is fascinating to think of the brain as a massively parallel bioelectrical circuit which its functions control every aspect of our lives. I am interested in systems neuroscience, specially mapping the brain structural and functional connections, neuroscience of sleep and generally resting/spontaneous function of the brain, and memory formation and consolidation. Parallel to my fascination with the complex biology of these phenomena, I am highly motivated to create new computational models and perform quantitative analysis on the acquired data for gaining a deeper understanding of neurobiological systems. Currently, I am studying interactions between the cortex and hippocampus during natural sleep and anesthesia under the supervision of Dr. Mohajerani.
- 2011 – B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, AmirKabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.