Phone: (403) 394-3951
e-mail: javad.karimi@uleth.ca
Research Interests
Nowadays, there are some strong evidences that behavior is a network-level phenomenon. Indeed, different behaviors are the products of the diverse brain functional networks working together. These functional networks work within the framework provided by structural connectivity of the brain. So, understanding the brain structural connectivity can help us to understand the brain functions. However, having a detailed anatomical connectivity patterns even in the micro scale does not completely lead us to understand how diverse brain functions emerge from its anatomical structure. The main reason is that not only brain anatomy can shape its dynamics, but its dynamics and functions also can change structural connectivity via neural plasticity. As a PhD student, I am currently studying this exciting bilateral relationship utilizing diverse computational tools such as mathematical modeling of large-scale cortical activities, complex networks theory, and computer simulations under supervision of Dr. Mohajerani.
- M.Sc. Pure Mathematics, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
- B.Sc. Electrical engineering, Amir Kabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.