Phone: (403) 394-3959
e-mail: jarret.mckinnon@uleth.ca
Lab: EP 1213
Dr. Bruce McNaughton
- B.Sc. Biology (Biomedical stream) Brandon University (2014)
Jarret is from Brandon Manitoba and attended Brandon University; with a minor in Psychology, took a particular interest in Neuroscience. His fascination with the nervous system led him to pursue grad school at the University of Lethbridge in Neuroscience. He began studying at the University of Lethbridge in January 2015.
Investigation of the role of the hippocampal place cells in spatial learning and memory as well as the hippocampal-cortical interaction in memory recall and environmental navigation. Another interest lies in the role of the ventral prefrontal cortex in emotional decision-making. Ultimately looking into information processing in these areas.
Other interests include: Sleep and memory consolidation, Altered neural processing in psychiatric illnesses, addiction, brain plasticity, and brain aging.