Phone: (403) 394-3973
e-mail: eric.chalmers@uleth.ca
Eric obtained a BSc in electrical engineering from the University of Alberta in 2011. He then began a PhD in electrical & computer engineering, also at the University of Alberta. Eric’s PhD work involved designing wireless sensors, machine learning algorithms, and decision support systems for a biomedical application. After completing his PhD in 2015, Eric moved to the University of Lethbridge for a post-doctoral fellowship under Dr. Aaron Gruber and Dr. Artur Luczak.
Research Interests
In general, I am interested in the development and application of electronics and machine learning to problems in a variety of fields. I’ve enjoyed applying these technologies to problems in health-care, wireless tracking, sports forecasting, and other areas. I am currently drawing inspiration from the brain to develop new machine learning approaches.
Selected publications
- Chalmers, E., Bermudez Contreras, E., Robertson, B., Luczak, A. Gruber, A. “Learning to Predict Consequences as a Method of Knowledge Transfer”. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (accepted).
- Chalmers, E., Bermudez-Contreras, E., Robertson, B., Luczak, A., Gruber, A. “Context-switching and adaptation: Brain-inspired mechanisms for handling environmental changes,” 2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Vancouver, BC, 2016, pp. 3522-3529.
- Chalmers E, Pedrycz W, Lou E, “Human experts’ and a fuzzy model’s predictions of outcomes of scoliosis treatment: A comparative analysis”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 62(3): 1001-1007, 2015
- Chalmers E, Hill D, Zhao H, Lou E, “Prescriptive analytics applied to brace treatment for AIS: a pilot demonstration”, Scoliosis, 10(Suppl 2): S12, 2015
- Chalmers E, Mizianty M, Parent E, Yuan Y, Lou E, “Toward maximum-predictive-value classification”, Pattern Recognition, 47(12): 3949-3958, 2014
- Mizianty M, Fan X, Yan J, Chalmers E, Woloschuk C, Joachimiak A, Kurgan L, “Covering the complete proteomes with X-ray structures – a current snapshot”, Acta Crystallographica Section D, 70(Pt 11): 2781-2793, 2014