Eric Chalmers

Phone: (403) 394-3973


Eric obtained a BSc in electrical engineering from the University of Alberta in 2011. He then began a PhD in electrical & computer engineering, also at the University of Alberta. Eric’s PhD work involved designing wireless sensors, machine learning algorithms, and decision support systems for a biomedical application. After completing his PhD in 2015, Eric moved to the University of Lethbridge for a post-doctoral fellowship under Dr. Aaron Gruber and Dr. Artur Luczak.

Research Interests

In general, I am interested in the development and application of electronics and machine learning to problems in a variety of fields. I’ve enjoyed applying these technologies to problems in health-care, wireless tracking, sports forecasting, and other areas. I am currently drawing inspiration from the brain to develop new machine learning approaches.

Selected publications

  1. Chalmers, E., Bermudez Contreras, E., Robertson, B., Luczak, A. Gruber, A. “Learning to Predict Consequences as a Method of Knowledge Transfer”. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (accepted).
  2. Chalmers, E., Bermudez-Contreras, E., Robertson, B., Luczak, A., Gruber, A. “Context-switching and adaptation: Brain-inspired mechanisms for handling environmental changes,” 2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Vancouver, BC, 2016, pp. 3522-3529.
  3. Chalmers E, Pedrycz W, Lou E, “Human experts’ and a fuzzy model’s predictions of outcomes of scoliosis treatment: A comparative analysis”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 62(3): 1001-1007, 2015
  4. Chalmers E, Hill D, Zhao H, Lou E, “Prescriptive analytics applied to brace treatment for AIS: a pilot demonstration”, Scoliosis, 10(Suppl 2): S12, 2015
  5. Chalmers E, Mizianty M, Parent E, Yuan Y, Lou E, “Toward maximum-predictive-value classification”, Pattern Recognition, 47(12): 3949-3958, 2014
  6. Mizianty M, Fan X, Yan J, Chalmers E, Woloschuk C, Joachimiak A, Kurgan L, “Covering the complete proteomes with X-ray structures – a current snapshot”, Acta Crystallographica Section D, 70(Pt 11): 2781-2793, 2014