Phone: (403) 394-3915
e-mail: c.donovan@uleth.ca
Clifford was raised in the town of Squamish, BC. He obtained his BSc. from the University of Victoria in 2014 with a major in biological psychology. At UVic, Clifford participated in research in neuropsychology, investigating the role of ‘executive functions’ and environmental factors that alter them. In his senior year, he undertook independent studies investigating expression of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors as well as the role of gap junctions in direction selective ganglion cells in the mammalian retina. Following his undergraduate degree, Clifford worked as a successful wireless store manager in Squamish. In this role, he realized his desire to learn more about the latest technology and computer science.
Research Interests
Clifford came to the University of Lethbridge in hopes of learning more about the intersection of technology and neuroscience. Specifically, under the supervision of Dr. Gruber, he hopes to learn more about machine learning and artificial neural networks: utilizing the networks and properties of real neurons as inspiration to develop new machine learning techniques.