Phone: (403) 394-3973
e-mail: adam.neumann@uleth.ca
Office: EP 1241
Born and raised in Barrhead, Alberta and having summer jobs working in landfills, farming, building construction and road construction, research was never on his mind. He was however interested in the brain and decided to do a neuroscience degree at the University of Lethbridge and they do make you take a mandatory independent study. That really opened his eyes to research and by working side by side, apprenticing, under a number of terrific post docs in the labs of Dr. Bruce McNaughton and Dr. Artur Luczak he did learn a few things and that sparked his interest and passion that is epilepsy. After he completed his undergraduate degree he decided to stick around a little longer to help finish up a single neuron epilepsy project and apply voltage sensitive dye (VSD) to epilepsy, working as a Research Assistant under Dr. Bruce McNaughton. His research interests are the neurophysiology of epilepsy and the mechanisms of how seizures start, spread, stop and the short and long term memory and cognitive deficits they bring. On his spare time he enjoys long walks through the mountains, reading about epilepsy and learning new techniques and skills that will provide answers to his questions about epilepsy, and writing grants to help sustain epilepsy research.