Dr. Majid Mohajerani

Albertan Neuroscientists Mapping the Brain in New Ways - Health InsightPhone: (403) 394-3950
e-mail: mohajerani@uleth.ca
Twitter:  mohajerani77
Office: SA 8230

Research Interests

My group concentrates on neural dynamics with particular emphasis on sensorimotor integration and memory systems. We combine optical imaging (e.g., two-photon imaging), optogenetics, electrophysiology and behavioural methods and computational tools to understand how different brain areas communicate with one another and how (a) memory is encoded and consolidated or (b) motor movement is generated based on sensory inputs. We also have an interest in structure-function relationships in the brain. The lab has unique expertise in optics, engineering and microscopy that allows us to develop/employ cutting-edge hardware tools to collect brain activity/behaviour at multiple scales. Our expertise in computational neuroscience techniques allows us to develop advanced quantitative tools (including artificial intelligence and machine learning approaches) to understand brain dynamics and behaviour in health and brain disease. Our research currently has been mainly focused on accomplishing the following objectives:

    • Studying the impact of hippocampal outflow on neocortical physiology, information processing, and plasticity
    • Determining the role of neuromodulatory systems (e.g., Acetylcholine, Serotonin, Dopamine, Neuroephinephrine) in memory formation and retrieval
    • Probing the physiological and computational basis of sensory perception and associative learning at the level of individual neurons and the whole brain to understand how we interpret our environments to make decisions
    • Determining the mechanism by which stress changes the cellular structure, brain dynamics, and cognitive functions
    • Determining the link between genetic and environmental factors, pathology deposition, brain network dysfunction and cognitive deficits in Alzheimer’s disease
    • Investigating neural mechanisms underlying motor control in animal models and humans in health and after brain damage (i.e., Stroke and Multiple Sclerosis) for devising new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.
    • Development of state-of-the-art software and hardware tools for the neuroscience community.


  • M.Sc., Biomedical Engineering, AmirKabir University of Technology
  • Ph.D., Neuroscience, 2007, International School of Advanced Studies
  • Postdoctoral fellowship, 2013, University of British Columbia

Available Positions

We are currently looking for the following:

  1. Postdocs and/or graduate students (Master’s and/or Ph.D. levels) to use inspirations from neuroscience to make better Artificial Intelligence and, conversely, to apply Artificial Intelligence to understand brain function and behaviour better.
  2. Postdocs and/or graduate students (Master’s and/or Ph.D. levels) to work in the development of UHF-based Internet of Things (IoT) systems and their application in the brain-machine interface.
  3. Postdocs and/or graduate students (Master’s and/or Ph.D. levels) interested in learning in vivo optical imaging, optogenetics, advanced behavioural assays, electrophysiological recording, and Neurotechnology. Experience in MATLAB and/or Python will be an asset.
  4. Undergraduates in different disciplines (e.g., Neuroscience, Biology, Psychology, Physics, Computer Science, Engineering, etc.) interested in independent studies, applied studies, summer positions, co-op and honour thesis.

Interested students/applicants should send a brief description of their research interests and a CV.

Publication lists and citation metrics:

Google Scholar


  1. Chang H, Esteves IM, Neumann AR, Sun J, Mohajerani MH, McNaughton BL (2022) Coordinated Reactivation of Spatial and Non-Spatial Features in the Neocortex is Temporally graded. Paper  
  2. Singh S, Lacoursiere S, Mehla M, Nazari M, Sutherland RJ, McDonald RJ, Mohajerani MH (2022) Unilateral gradual occlusion of common carotid artery exacerbates brain dysfunction at the mesoscale level with no behavioural impairment in the AppNL-G-F mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. Paper  
  3. Inayat S, McAllister BB, Chang H, Lacoursiere SG, Whishaw IQ, Sutherland RJ, Mohajerani MH* (2022) Generation of a hybrid AppNL-G-F/NL-G-F×Thy1-GCaMP6s+/- Alzheimer disease mouse mitigates the behavioural and hippocampal encoding deficits of APP knock-in mutations of AppNL-G-F/NL-G-F mice. Paper  
  4. Pedrosa P, Nazari M, Kergoat L, Bernard C, Mohajerani MH, Stella F, Battaglia FP. (2022) Hippocampal ripples coincide with “up-state” and cortical spindles in Retrosplenial Cortex. Paper  
  5. Afrashteh N, Jafari Z, Jianjun Sun, Kyweriga M, Mohajerani MH (2022) Impact of brain state and complex stimuli on mouse auditory cortex function and organization. Paper  
  6. Inayat S, McAllister BB, McNaughton BL, Whishaw IQ, Mohajerani MH (2022) Conjunctive and complementary CA1 hippocampal cell populations relate sensory events to immobility and locomotion. Paper  
  7. Sepers MD, Mackay J, Koch E, Xiao D, Mohajerani MH, Chan AW, Smith-Dijak AI, Ramandi D, Murphy TH, Raymond LA (2022) Altered cortical processing of sensory input in Huntington disease mouse model. Neurobiology of disease, 169:105740. PMID: 35460870 Paper
  8. Lacoursiere S, Safar J, Westaway D, Mohajerani MH, Sutherland RJ (2022) Intracerebral seeding of rapidly progressing Alzheimer’s disease amyloid-b peptide in AppNL-G-F mice exacerbated amyloidosis and microgliosis with no effect on spatial navigation. Paper
  9. Bermudez Contreras E, Sutherland RJ, Whishaw IQ, Mohajerani MH (2022) Challenges of a small world analysis for the continuous monitoring of behavior in mice. Neuroscience and Behavioral Reviews, 36:104621 PMID: 35307475 Paper
  10. Karimi Abadchi J, Rezaei Z, Kopfel T, McNaughton BL, Mohajerani MH (2022) Inhibition dominates neocortical activity around awake hippocampal ripples. Paper
  11. Nazari M, Karimi Abadchi J, Naghizadeh M, Bermudez Contreras E, Tatsuno M, McNaughton BL, Mohajerani MH (2022) Regional variation in cholinergic terminal activity determines the non-uniform occurrence of cortical slow-wave activity during REM sleep. Paper
  12. Pedrosa P, Nazari M, Mohajerani MH, Knopfel T, Stella F, Battaglia FP (2022) Dominant Role of Hippocampal Gamma-Events in Orchestrating Modular Activation. Paper
  13. Hossain S, Karem H, Jafari Z, Kolb BE, Mohajerani, MH (2022) Early Tactile Stimulation Influences development of Alzheimer’s Diseases in Gestational Stressed APPNL-G-F adult offspring. Paper
  14. Bermudez Contreras E, Gomez-Palacio A, Luczak A, Mohajerani MH (2022) Sensory experience selectively reorganizes the late component of evoked responses. Cerebral Cortex  PMID: 35704850 Paper
  15. Hossain S, Karem H, Jafari Z, Kolb BE, Mohajerani, MH (2022) Tactile Stimulation Improves Cognition, Motor, and Anxiety-Like Behaviours and Attenuates the AD Pathology in Adult APPNL-G-F mice. Paper
  16. Curic D Ivan VE, Mohajerani MH, Gruber AJ, Davidsen J (2021) Deconstructing scale-free neuronal avalanches: behavioral transitions and neuronal response. Journal of Physics: Complexity, 2, 045010 Paper
  17. Jafari Z, Kolb B, Mohajerani MH (2021) Bilingual experience and intrinsic functional connectivity in adults, aging, and Alzheimer’s disease. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, doi: 10.1111/nyas.14666. PMID: 34309857 Paper
  18. Galvin L, Mirza Agha B, Saleh M, Mohajerani MH, Whishaw IQ (2021) Learning to cricket hunt by the laboratory mouse (Mus musculus): Skilled movements of the hands and mouth in cricket capture and consumption. Behavioural Brain Research, doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2021.113404. PMID: 34139203 Paper
  19. Jafari Z, Kolb B, Mohajerani MH (2021) Age-related hearing loss and cognitive decline: MRI and cellular evidence. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, doi: 10.1111/nyas.14617. PMID: 34114212 Paper
  20. Rezaei Z, Jafari Z, Afrashteh N, Torabi R, Singh S, Kolb BE, Davidsen J, Mohajerani MH* (2021) Prenatal Stress Dysregulates Resting-State Functional Connectivity and Sensory Motifs. Neurobiology of Stress, 15:100345 PMID: 34124321 Paper
  21. Esteves IM, Chang H, Neumann AR, Sun J, Mohajerani MH, McNaughton BL (2020) Spatial Information Encoding across Multiple Neocortical Regions Depends on an Intact Hippocampus. Journal of Neuroscience DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1788-20.2020 Paper
  22. Mehla M, Deibel SH, Karem H, Hossain S, Lacoursiere S, McDonald RJ, Mohajerani MH (2020) Repeated multi-domain, but not single-domain, cognitive training prevents cognitive decline and amyloid pathology found in the APPNL-G-F mouse model of Alzheimer disease. bioRxiv Paper
  23. Karem H, Jafari Z, Mehla J, Kolb B, Mohajerani MH (2020) Traffic Noise Exposure accelerates AD-like pathology. doi: 10.1002/syn.22192. Paper
  24. Cheng Y, Gollen B, Saville L, Isaac C, Mehla M, Mohajerani MH, Zovoilis A (2020) Increased processing of SINE B2 non coding RNAs unveils a novel type of transcriptome de-regulation underlying amyloid-beta neuro-pathology. eLife DOI: 10.7554/eLife.61265 Paper
  25. Bermudez Contreras E, Gomez-Palacio A, Luczak A, Mohajerani MH (2020) Sensory experience selectively reorganizes the late component of evoked responses. bioRxiv Paper
  26. Rynes ML, Surinach D, Linn S, Laroque M, Rajendran V, Dominguez J, Hadjistamolou O, Navabi Z, Ghanbari L, Johnson GW, Nazari-Ahangarkolaee M, Mohajerani MH, Kodandaramaiah SB (2020) Miniaturized head-mounted device for whole cortex mesoscale imaging in freely behaving mice. bioRxiv Paper
  27. GroleauM, Nazari-Ahangarkolaee M, Vanni MP, Higgins JL, Vézina-Bédard AS, Sabel BA, Mohajerani MH, Vaucher E (2020) Longitudinal monitoring of mesoscopic cortical network reorganization following partial optic nerve injury in the GCaMP6s mouse. Scientific Reports Paper
  28. Mirza Agha B, Roya Akbary, Arashk Ghasroddashti, Mojtaba Nazari-Ahangarkolaee, Whishaw IQ, Mohajerani MH (2020) Cholinergic upregulation by optogenetic stimulation of nucleus basalis after photothrombotic stroke in forelimb somatosensory cortex improves endpoint and motor but not sensory control of skilled reaching in mice. Journal of Blood Flow and metabolism Paper 
  29. Afrashteh N*, Inayat S*, Bermudez Contreras E*, Luczak A, McNaughton BL, Mohajerani MH (2020) Spatiotemporal structure of sensory-evoked and spontaneous activity revealed by mesoscale imaging in anesthetized and awake mice. bioRxiv Paper
  30. Jafari Z, Kolb B, Mohajerani MH. (2020) Neural Oscillations and Brain Stimulation in Alzheimer’s Disease. Progress in Neurobiology Paper
  31. Chang H, Esteves I, Neumann AD, Sun J, Mohajerani MH, McNaughton BL* (2020) Coordinated Activities of Retrosplenial Ensembles during Resting-State Encode Spatial Landmarks. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 375(1799):20190228 Paper
  32. Jafari Z, Copps T, Hole G, Kolb B, Mohajerani MH. (2020) Noise damage accelerates auditory aging and tinnitus: a Canadian population-based study. Otology & Neurotology Paper
  33. Naghizadeh M, Mohajerani MH, Whishaw IQ (2020) Mouse Arm and hand movements in grooming are reaching movements: Evolution of reaching, handedness, and the thumbnail. Behavioural Brain Research 393:112732. Paper
  34. Jafari J, Kolb B, Mohajerani MH (2020) Auditory Dysfunction in Parkinson’s Disease. Movement Disorder  DOI: 10.1002/mds.28000 Paper
  35. McAllister B, Lacoursiere S, Sutherland RJ, Mohajerani MH (2020) Intracerebral seeding of amyloid-β and tau pathology in mice: factors underlying prion-like spreading and comparisons with α-synuclein. Neuroscience and Behavioral Reviews Paper
  36. Inayat S, Singh S, Ghasroddashti A, Qandeel, Egodage P, Whishaw IQ, Mohajerani MH (2020) A Matlab-based toolbox for characterizing behavior of rodents engaged in string-pulling. eLife Paper
  37. Spiegler A, Karimi J, Mohajerani MH, Jirsa V (2020) In-silico Exploration of Mouse Brain Dynamics by Stimulation explains Functional Networks and Sensory Processing. Network Neuroscience Paper
  38. Karimi J, Nazari M, Bermudez Contreras E, Luczak A, McNaughton BL, Mohajerani MH (2020) Spatiotemporal patterns of cortical activity pattern during sharp-wave ripples. eLife DOI: 10.7554/eLife.51972 Paper
  39. Inayat S*, Qandeel*, Nazari M, Singh S, McNaughton BL, Whishaw IQ, Mohajerani MH (2019) Low acetylcholine during early sleep is crucial for motor memory consolidation. Sleep. doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsz297 Paper
  40. Jafari Z, Kolb B, Mohajerani MH (2019) Age-Related Hearing Loss and Tinnitus, Dementia Risk, and Sensory Restoration Outcomes. Ageing Research Reviews doi: 10.1016/j.arr.2019.100963 Paper
  41. Singh S, Mandziak A, Barr K, Blackwell AA, Mohajerani MH, Wallace DG, Whishaw IQ (2019) Reach and Grasp Altered in Pantomime String-Pulling: A Test of the Action/Perception Theory in a Bilateral Reaching Task. Experimental Brain Research 37(12):3431-3447 Paper
  42. Ryait H, Bermudez-Contreras E, Harvey M, Faraji J, Mirza Agha B, Gomez-Palacio A, Gruber A, Doan J, Mohajerani MH, Metz GAS, Whishaw IQ, Luczak A (2019) Data-driven analyses of motor impairments in animal models and neurological disorders. PLoS Biology 17(11):e3000516. Paper
  43. Whishaw IQ, Ghasroddasht A, Mirza Agha B, Mohajerani MH (2019) The temporal choreography of the yo-yo movement of getting spaghetti into the mouth by the head-fixed mouse. Behavioural Brain Research doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2019.112241 Paper
  44. Jafari Z, Kolb B, Mohajerani MH (2019) Gestational Stress Augments Postpartum β-Amyloid Pathology and Cognitive Decline in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease. Cerebral Cortex 29(9):3712-3724 Paper
  45. Singh S*, Bermudez Contreras B*, Nazari M, Sutherland RJ, Mohajerani MH (2019) Low-Cost Open-Source Solution for Rodent Home-Cage Behaviour Monitoring. PLoS One 14(8):e0220751 Paper
  46. Jafari Z, Kolb B, Mohajerani MH (2019) Life-course Contribution of Prenatal Stress in Regulating the Neural Modulation Network Underlying the Prepulse Inhibition of the Acoustic Startle Reflex in an AD Mouse Model.  Cerebral Cortex doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhz089 Paper
  47. Jafari Z, Okuma M, Karem H, Kolb B, Mohajerani MH (2019) Prenatal Noise Stress Aggravates Cognitive Decline and the Onset and Progression of β-amyloid Pathology in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease. Neurobiology of Aging 77:66-86 Paper
  48. Jafari Z, Kolb B, Mohajerani MH. (2019) Noise Exposure Accelerates the Risk of Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer ’s Disease: Adulthood, Gestational, and Prenatal Mechanistic Evidence from Animal Studies. Neuroscience and Behavioral Reviews pii: S0149-7634(18)30897-2 Paper
  49. Mehla M, Lacoursiere S, Lapointe V, McNaughton BL, Sutherland RJ, McDonald RJ. Mohajerani MH (2019) Single APP knock-in mouse (APPNL-G-F/NL-G-F) model of Alzheimer’s disease: Age-dependent amyloid deposition, cholinergic deficit, noradrenergic dysfunction and cognitive impairment. Neurobiology of Aging 75:25-37 Paper
  50. Deibel S, Young B, Mohajerani MH, McDonald RJ (2019) Activity rhythms are largely intact in APPNL-G-F Alzheimer’s disease mice. J. Alzheimer’s Disease 71(1):213-225. Paper
  51. Mehla M, Deibel SH, Faraji J, Saito T, Saido TC, Mohajerani MH, McDonald RJ. (2019) Looking beyond the standard version of the Morris water task in the assessment of mouse models of cognitive deficits. Hippocampus. doi: 10.1002/hipo.22999Paper
  52. Faraji J, Karimi M, Lawrence C, Mohajerani MH, Metz GAS. (2018) Diagnostic Symptoms in a Mouse Model of Autism in Relation to Neuroanatomy: The BTBR Strain Reinvestigated. Translational Psychiatry. 8(1):234 Paper
  53. Bermudez-Contreras E, Chekhov S, Tarnowsky J, Sun J, McNaughton BL., Mohajerani MH (2018)  A High Performance, Inexpensive Setup for Simultaneous Multi-site Recording of Electrophysiological Signals and Wide-Field Imaging in the Mouse Cortex. Neurophotonics, 5(2), 025005 doi:10.1117/1.NPh.5.2.025005Paper
  54. Mao D, Neumann AR, Sun J, Bonin V, Mohajerani MH, McNaughton BL (2018) Hippocampus-dependent emergence of spatial sequence coding in retrosplenial cortex. PNAS, 115(31):8015-8018. Paper
  55. Jafari Z, Kolb BE, Mohajerani MH (2018) Chronic traffic noise stress accelerates brain impairment and cognitive decline in mice. Exp Neuro. 308:1-12. Paper
  56. Greenberg A., Karimi J., Dickson CT., Mohajerani MH. (2018) New waves: Rhythmic electrical field stimulation systematically alters spontaneous slow dynamics across mouse neocortex. Neuroimage.  10;174:328-339Paper
  57.  Whishaw IQ, Faraji J, Mirza Agha B, Kuntz JR, Metz GAS, Mohajerani MH (2018)A mouse’s spontaneous eating repertoire aids performance on laboratory skilled reaching tasks: A motoric example of instinctual drift with an ethological description of the withdraw movements in freely-moving and head-fixed mice. Behav Brain Res. 30;337:80-90. Paper

  58. Whishaw IQ, Mirza Agha B, Kuntz JR, Qandeel, Faraji J, Mohajerani MH (2018) Tongue protrusions modify the syntax of skilled reaching for food by the mouse: Evidence for flexibility in action selection and shared hand/mouth central modulation of action. Behav Brain Res. 341:37-44. Paper 

  59. Mehla M, Lacoursiere S, Stuart E, McDonald RJ, Mohajerani MH. (2017) Gradual Cerebral Hypoperfusion Induced Subcortical Infarcts Impair Fear Conditioning and Object Recognition Memories in Mice. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease

  60. McVea D, Murphy TH, Mohajerani MH. (2017) Spontaneous activity synchronizes whisker-related sensorimotor networks prior to their maturation in the developing rat cortex. 
  61. Whishaw IQ, Faraji J, Kuntz J, Mirza Agha B, Metz GAS, Mohajerani MH. (2017) The syntactic organization of pasta-eating and the structure of reach movements in the head-fixed mouse. Nature Sci Rep. Paper
  62. Jafari Z, Mehla J, Kolb BE, Mohajerani MH. (2017). Prenatal noise stress impairs HPA axis and cognitive performance in mice. Nature Sci Rep. Paper
  63. Faraji J, Soltanpour N, Lotfi H, Moeeini R, Moharreri AR, Roudaki S, Hosseini SA, Olson DM, Abdollahi AA, Soltanpour N, Mohajerani MH, Metz GAS. (2017). Lack of Social Support Raises Stress Vulnerability in Rats with a History of Ancestral Stress. Nature Sci Rep. 7(1):5277. PMID: 28706188. Paper
  64. Jafari Z, Mehla J, Afrashteh N, Kolb BE, Mohajerani MH. (2017). Corticosterone response to gestational stress and postpartum memory function in mice. PLoS One. 12(7):e0180306. PMID: 28692696. Paper
  65. Jafari Z, Faraji J, Mirza Agha B, Metz GAS, Kolb BE, Mohajerani MH. (2017). The Adverse Effects of Auditory Stress on Mouse Uterus Receptivity and Behaviour. Nature Sci Rep. 7(1):4720. PMID: 28680154. Paper
  66. Whishaw IQ, Faraji J, Kuntz J, Mirza Agha B, Patel M, Metz GAS, Mohajerani MH (2017). Organization of the reach and grasp in head-fixed vs freely-moving mice provides support for multiple motor channel theory of neocortical organization. Exp Brain Res. 235(6):1919-1932. PMID: 28315945. Paper
  67. Afrashteh N, Inayat S, Mohsenvand M, Mohajerani MH. (2017). Optical-flow analysis toolbox for characterization of spatiotemporal dynamics in mesoscale optical imaging of brain activity. 153:58-74. PMID: 28351691. Paper. Code.
  68. Kyweriga M, Sun J, Wang S, Kline R, Mohajerani MH (2017). A Large Lateral Craniotomy Procedure for Mesoscale Wide-field Optical Imaging of Brain Activity. J Vis Exp. 7;(123). PMID: 28518107. Paper
  69. Jafari Z, Esmaili M, Delbari A, Mehrpour M, Mohajerani MH (2017). Post-stroke acquired amusia: A comparison between right- and left-brain hemispheric damages. 40(2):233-241. PMID: 28211817. Paper
  70. Jafari Z, Kolb B, Mohajerani MH (2016). Effect of Acute Stress on the Auditory Processing: A Systematic Review of Human Studies. Reviews in Neuroscience. doi: 10.1515/revneuro-2016-0043. PMID: 27718496. Paper
  71. McVea DA, Murphy TH, Mohajerani MH. (2016). Large Scale Cortical Functional Networks Associated with Slow-Wave and Spindle-Burst-Related Spontaneous Activity. Front Neural Circuits. 21;10:103. PMID: 28066190. Paper
  72. Jafari Z, Esmaili M, Delbari A, Mehrpour M, Mohajerani MH (2016). Auditory Temporal Processing Deficits in Chronic Stroke: A Comparison of Brain Damage Lateralization Effect. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 25(6):1403-10. PMID: 27021038. Paper
  73. Michael Kyweriga, Mohajerani MH (2016). Optogenetic approaches for mesoscopic brain mapping. Methods in Molecular Biology. 1408:251-65. PMID: 26965128.
  74. Chan, AW *, Mohajerani MH *, LeDue J, Wang YT, Murphy TH (2015). Mesoscale infraslow spontaneous membrane potential fluctuations recapitulate high-frequency activity cortical motifs. Nature Communication. 20;6:7738 PMID: 26190168 (*equal co-first author). Paper
  75. Lim DH, LeDue JM, Mohajerani MH, Murphy TH (2014). Optogenetic mapping after stroke reveals network-wide scaling of functional connections and heterogeneous recovery of the peri-infarct. Journal of Neuroscience 34(49):16455-66 PMID:25471583. Paper
  76. Mohajerani MH *, Chan, AW *, Mohsenvand M, LeDue J, Liu R, McVea D, Boyd J, Reimer M, Wang YT, Murphy TH (2013). Spontaneous intracortical activity alternates between sensory motifs defined by region-specific axonal projections. Nature Neuroscience 16;1426–1435 PMID: 23974708 (*equal co-first author) (Selected for Journal Cover). Paper
  77. Lim DH, LeDue J, Mohajerani MH, Vanni MP, Murphy TH (2013). Optogenetic approaches for functional mouse brain mapping. Frontiers in Neuroscience 10;7:54 PMID: 23596383. Paper
  78. Chen S, Mohajerani MH, Murphy TH (2012). Optogenetic analysis of neuronal excitability during global ischemia reveals selective deficits in sensory processing following reperfusion in mouse cortex. Journal of Neuroscience 32(39):13510-13519 PMID: 23015440. Paper
  79. McVea D, Mohajerani MH, Murphy TH (2012). Studying the structure and function of cortical activity in developing rodents using VSD imaging in vivo. Journal of Neuroscience 8;32(32):10982-94. PMID: 22875932. Paper
  80. Lim DH *, Mohajerani MH *, Boyd J, LeDue J, Chen S, Murphy TH (2012). Exogenous activation of output neurons using channelrhodopsin-2 reveals sensory maps and intracortical relationships. Front Neural Circuits 6:11. PMID: 22435052. (*equal co-first author) (Selected as Tier2 publication and become a Focused Review to be published in Frontiers in Neuroscience). Paper
  81. Mohajerani MH, Aminoltejari K, Murphy TH (2011). Targeted mini-strokes produce changes in inter-hemispheric sensory signal processing that are indicative of dis-inhibition within minutes. PNAS 108(22): E183-E192. PMID: 21576480. ( Highlighted by Nature 2011; 473:423). Paper
  82. Mohajerani MH, McVea D, Fingas M, Murphy TH (2010). Mirrored bilateral processing of slow wave cortical activity within local circuits revealed by fast bi-hemispheric voltage-sensitive dye imaging in anesthetized and awake mice. Journal of Neuroscience 30(10):3745-51. PMID: 20220008. (Recommended in Faculty of 1000 Biology). Paper
  83. Sigler A, Mohajerani MH, Murphy TH (2009). Voltage sensitive dye imaging reveals re-distribution of sensory-evoked activity through existing pathways within an hour of stroke in mice. PNAS 106(28):11759-64. PMID: 19571005. Paper
  84. Sivakumaran S, Mohajerani MH, Cherubini E (2009). At immature mossy-fiber-CA3 synapses, correlated presynaptic and postsynaptic activity persistently enhances GABA release and network excitability via BDNF and cAMP-dependent PKA. Journal of Neuroscience 25;29(8):2637-47. PMID: 19063969. (Selected for Journal of Neuroscience Journal Club). Paper
  85. Mohajerani MH, Sivakumaran S, Zacchi P, Aguilera P, Cherubini E (2007). Correlated network activity enhances synaptic efficacy via BDNF and the ERK pathway at immature CA3 CA1 connections in the hippocampus. PNAS 104: 32:13176-6. PMID: 17656555. Paper
  86. Mohajerani MH, Cherubini E (2006). Role of giant depolarizing potentials in shaping synaptic currents in the developing hippocampus, Critical Review in Neurobiology. 18:1-2:13-23. PMID: 17725505.
  87. Mohajerani MH, Cherubini E (2005). Spontaneous recurrent network activity in organotypic rat hippocampal slices, European Journal of Neuroscience 22:1:107-12. PMID: 16029200. Paper
  88. Raffaelli G, Saviane C, Mohajerani MH, Pedarzani P, Cherubini E (2004). BK potassium channels control transmitter release at CA3-CA3 synapses in the rat hippocampus., Journal of Physiology-London 557:1:147-57. PMID: 15034127. Paper
  89. Saviane C, Mohajerani MH, Cherubini E (2003). An ID-like current that is downregulated by Ca2+ modulates information coding at CA3-CA3 synapses in the rat hippocampus. Journal of Physiology-London 552:2:513-12. PMID: 14561833. Paper