HaoRan Chang


Dr. Bruce L. McNaughton
Dr. Majid H. Mohajerani


2017. B. Sc. Neuroscience, McGill University


My interest in memory and spatial navigation began right after my enrollment in the bachelor’s program of Neuroscience at McGill University. This was in the fall semester of 2014, when Dr. John O’Keefe received a shared Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Dr. Edvard and May-Britt Moser. All over campus, students and professors told of a brilliant McGill alumnus who won the year’s Nobel prize for his contributions in the discovery of spatial cognitive systems and memory. However, it wasn’t until a year later that I finally got hands-on experience in those areas of research, through working as an undergraduate researcher under the supervision of Dr. Mark Brandon. My time working in the Brandon Lab provided me with valuable knowledge in theory, experimental techniques, analysis and computational modelling. More importantly, it has solidified my interest in the field, which led to my eventual joining of the McNaughton lab.

My current research pertains to understanding the neural basis of memory consolidation using in vivo two-photon calcium microscopy.